Monday, January 21, 2013


"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned in order to have the life that is waiting for us."
                                      Joseph Campbell

Like ET, I am calling home to see who is out there.  Have you experienced major shifting in your life's direction in the past few years?  Has the well planned path crumbled and left you scrambling to find solid ground?  Are you also the "hesitant saint" or "the reluctant hero" to use Joseph Campbell's term who doubted your ability to move beyond the status quo?  And in so doing "refused the call" so that magic had to come into play to get you to move on?  Magic is Campbell's term; mine is more like pain and abject terror as my well ordered life gave way to chaos. The pillow case that held all the disparate parts of my life ripped open and scattered the feathers inside to the four winds - freeing but definitely anxiety producing.  And, like me, have you found yourself on the other side of what had always been the status quo moving beyond it into an amazing new world that you had no idea even existed?

If so, then let's explore how we can live a life with no limitations as we move further and further away from the ordinary into the extraordinary.  As Janis Joplin warbled, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...."  The way I see it all that is left for me to lose is my self-constructed obstacles that have held me back thus far.

In this blog, I wish to explore unlimited boundaries and much neglected side roads on this journey of life.  I invite you to come with me.  It is always more fun to have congenial travelling companions to share the joys of the road as well as the pitfalls.  So all aboard because ready or not, as my daughter would say when she was three arms akimbo on her scrawny hips -"Botch out!"